The first kind is seeking excitement and if nothing happens he finds life boring.
He is oriented towards ecstasy and he seeks those happenings that can make his brain speed up.
When he gets a kick, small or big, he can sense that life has a meaning. But he calls it that he "wants to do something interesting".
If he drinks alcohol he does it because he wants to get rid of his limitations and have fun.
He likes stress and he is goal oriented.
The second kind is seeking stability, peace and security and he wants a safe, calm and happy life with a big collection of food and wood for the whole year.
This is of main importance, of course, he has been working hard to collect it and without it the whole family would die when winter comes.
So he wants to make his house and his collection as big and strong as possible. He knows other people and they all know that the biggest one is the most clever one. He is the winner and deserves the respect of the others.
The biggest one becomes the chief. So he hates to be poor.
If he drinks alcohol he does it because he wants to relax.
He does not like stress. Happiness is to feel big and safe and to eat and sleep.
The biggest one becomes the chief. So he hates to be poor.
If he drinks alcohol he does it because he wants to relax.
He does not like stress. Happiness is to feel big and safe and to eat and sleep.
The first kind is fighting for nature and earth against pollution, insecticides, herbicides, destruction and against the huge sterile plantations where only one thing grows.
He doesn't have much against being poor as long as he can live in a healthy forest.
He doesn't have much against being poor as long as he can live in a healthy forest.
The second kind is saying that we must have a safe supply of woods, food and tools and today he says that the production has to be so big and so effective that it can feed the whole population on earth. So it has to be big, effective plantations, which they cannot be if they do not use big machinery and poison.
He wants to ”save earth” with more and bigger plantations, more technology and more medicines. When the first kind talks about ”saving nature” he means that we should learn to use less energy, not more. We do not need all our electric toys.
Stop producing all nonsense!
Just chop your own wood, make your own little fire, tell the children the old fairy tales that you know, sing your songs and play a drum or a flute.
It is nice to look at the red flames after sunset when the darkness comes and the combination of darkness and flames makes a thrilling background to the old stories about light and darkness, good and bad and adventures with success and failure.
The second type is not interested in such nonsense!
The fairy tales are not true and they cannot be used for anything!
He needs things and ideas that are true, that he can trust and make good use of to make his house bigger and his food supply more safe.
He wants practical information about reality and not insane stories about people who never existed.
On our farm we need good workers and no kings and princesses!
The first type is more of an adventurer so he doesn't need any big house. He can be a nomad and maybe he needs a horse that can carry his tent, clothes and tools. And such a horse can feed himself (if nature exists).
He can put up his tent anywhere and then he collects dry sticks and makes his fire. In an old and healthy forest it is not too difficult to catch a rabbit or a fish to roast or cook on the fire.
So he is not dependent on collecting more and more things to get rich, but he is dependent on a healthy forest with a lot of healthy animals, plants, fruits, fishes and so on.
Lived! A long time ago! But nomads still exist somewhere.
He wants freedom and excitement and he likes the stress-energy of hunting.
The sight of an edible animal sends glucose to his brain and off he goes, like the wolf.
It means excitement and full speed and he feels that he is living.
After a short while it is time to make the fire and eat and relax and tell the stories.
So the stress ends in a natural way.
In our society today we talk about stress and how to avoid it – but in reality stress is just higher energy in the brain and it is meant to be used for hunting, but only for a very short time.
If we transform our lives in a way that we can hunt something else, that we can ”go for” constantly, like a career, the natural stress is misused and makes us sick.
The second type is not very interested in a healthy forest. He doesn't need it!
The forest is “the other world”, the “outside world” where the dangerous animals are and maybe also the enemies.
Well... actually... he would feel much better without that useless forest!
The forest is “the other world”, the “outside world” where the dangerous animals are and maybe also the enemies.
Well... actually... he would feel much better without that useless forest!
For him stress is not at all fun because it just means that someone is attacking his world. He is like the cow: the world is fine when nothing happens.
So to avoid the horrible stress of being afraid he builds a better fence around his place, showing whom the area belongs to.
He goes to the church and prays to God for protection against the dark forces of the forest, trolls, evil spirits and magicians that are lurking around out there.
This is how I am, back and forth, making up fantasies about different main types of people and their different ways of acting and thinking.
I know that genetically we were strictly divided into hunters and farmers, and two different ways of living must correspond to different ways of thinking also, different ways of looking upon the world.
And it remains in the genes.
Today we are a mixture of both, but I think some are still more hunters and some are more farmers.
So I think that it is the hunters who are more easily getting “hit” by alcohol and sugar and they should avoid it. They get a kick from it and they like the kick and then they get dependent.
The hunting people from the northern countries freak out from alcohol, they fight and scream and vomit in the ditch and get taken by the police etc.
The people in southern Europe who probably have more “agriculture genes” don´t seem to have so much trouble with their wine.
The Italian mixes the wine with water and drinks a glass with the dinner. Then he goes out walking.
The Swede drinks the whole bottle and forgets about the food. After six hours he is still sitting there and the whole table is full of empty bottles.
I exaggerate? Well, yes, I know.... but I have seen these two pictures in reality, many, many, many times.
And how does it come that people so easily divide into two distinct but opposite ways of thinking, One is referring to his intuition and to “what he can see”.
And the other one refers to what has been “scientifically proved to be a fact”. He even refers to it when he doesn't know if it really is so.
And they both think that the other one is stupid!
The farmer had to rely on safe tools and methods. He worked from morning till evening and he knew how to do. Steady working was giving result and every movement was proved to be true in the sense that he knew that it was functioning, because his father had done it in exactly the same way.
The hunter had to rely on his intuition.
There was no safe rule about where the best place was for getting an animal for dinner. He had to feel where to go. “Follow the wind!”
If few persons were walking around in the forest they had to communicate with the forest, the animals, the weather, the spirits.... They had to listen to everything.
In such a group maybe one person was more clever in using his intuition and in a bigger group he became their shaman and developed his ability.
Much to the horror of the white farmer.
We say that agriculture was a big step for mankind. But was it a step up or a step down?
Agriculture was the beginning of killing nature.
A field of wheat was the first big clearing, the first big human-made plantation, the first big “taking away” of the natural forest.
And then it just continued.
How did this behavior start?
Some smart guys got the idea of helping the best plants a little? And then they could not move around any more, because they had to stay with the plants?
Or did the farmers come from some ancient civilization that we no longer know about?
Can that be the origin of mankind's present disaster?
That the genes of being a free kick-addicted hunter is going hand in hand with the genes of wanting to collect more and more wealth to become bigger and bigger and bigger in eternity?
The masculine way of hunting should be within the feminine way of living, because Mother Earth is feminine in the sense of being our mother who feeds us...
I was just thinking.... and making up some fantasies about it...
when I looked at the conflict between the small Forest People and the big Forest Company here in Värmland, described in Paradiset som blev en trädplantage earlier here, written in Swedish.
Plantation = monoculture
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